isn't it crazy to think that your life, anyone's life, doesn't really matter. as humans or maybe just as Americans, we tend to neglect the fact that the little things that make us mad are so insignificant to the rest of the universe. if you compare our existence to the shit that's out there, like Jupiter or everything trumps everything we worry about. i don't mean to be negative. i mean to give out a wake up call. in reality it doesn't matter if you missed one homework assignment, got grounded, or didn't get into college. if you put everything into perspective it's okay. I have no excuse for complaining about anything. my life is so good. the stuff that makes me cry with frustration or mope with regret should not get me down. it doesn't fucking matter! instead of wishing things were different. so that's today's message. put your life next to everything else that lives and make it equal. act the way you want people to remember you as. don't get caught up in petty shit, because it will only hold you down. be happy. be free. be yourself.
much love, sol