Thursday, March 11, 2010

I like big butts and I wanna die

I'm going to start this post off lightly.

Today in 6th period math class, my friends starting singing "I Like big Butts and I cannot lie" by Sir MixALot.
I hadn't realized, until that second, how much i loathe that song.
I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but I fucking hate it.

First off, I'm not bashing big asses.
Props to you if you have a fat one.
I just find the song is ridiculous and after the one jillionth time hearing it, i have come to realize how much i hate it.
I'm all for expressing creativity, and if the man likes ass, good for him.
But do you really need to make it a song? an ass anthem that everyone knows the words to?
I think not.
Not only do I dislike the lyrics:

"Mixalot's in trouble
Beggin for a piece of that bubble"

but the way he snarls out synonyms for butts makes me want to cry.
it's fucking creepy.
It makes my skin crawl.
It's so gross.

And have you seen the video?

he looks like a pervert.
He's short, old, and ugly.
Like what are you doing?
Dancing on mountains of coffee colored ass still won't make you more than a one hit wonder.

If I counted the times I have ever heard this song, I'd have enough money to erase it from history.
And with all the money that this man used to create ass mountains for the video, he could be fighting against world hunger or some shit.

Mixalot now appears on VH1 specials like "Greatest 90's hits" or "I love the 1500's" and all he ever seems to talk about is big butts in spandex.

Fuck you, Sol

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