Saturday, January 30, 2010

TOP 3 Musicals from my Childhood

#1: The Sound of Music (1965)

A classic to most young [normy] kids. I loved this movie from the very first time I saw it. Although I didn't quite understand the premise of the story, (Nazi Austria) I was still fascinated by the characters. Maria's sweet voice, her hidden rebel tendencies, and her love for the Captain proved to be an amazing story for most little girls like me. As a tradition on my father's side, as a family we sit down every time I visit the mid-west, and watch this musical. It never fails to excite me.

The last time I was out there, my cousin Emily and I discovered a new love for the youngest son, Kurt, whose bright smile and over acting makes the movie even better.

#2: Peter Pan (1954)

This musical was one that I would watch ever sunday morning when my dad would sleep-in after bar-tending. I seriously must have watched it about 1000 times. It's a musical version of Peter Pan, and I'm pretty sure it was a recorded live performance. The songs are really unique, and I just loved it.

"I need my shadow!"

#3: 7 Brides for 7 Brothers

This is just made cute and shit!

I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to

"My senses have been stripped, my hands can't feel to grip,
My toes too numb to step, wait only for my boot heels
To be wanderin'.
I'm ready to go anywhere, I'm ready for to fade
Into my own parade, cast your dancing spell my way,
I promise to go under it."

Okay so I was just listening to my itunes on shuffle and this Bob Dylan song came on.
Although I've complained about him a bit in the past, because of my father I do have a sense of respect for him.
His lyrics are undeniably beautiful.

"magic swirlin' ship" gives me chills through my bones and blood.
I can physically see the grains of magic forming a film around a ship.
So beautiful.
The simplicity of just a voice and guitar, is transformed into something timeless and powerful with Dylan.
I don't mean to ramble on, but I really do love this song.

Take me on a trip upon your magic swirlin' ship,

Friday, January 29, 2010

Love Story

I'm feeling a bit of dismay and resentment towards myself. I feel like where I'm at in life, in mind, in body, and in soul is not where I'm supposed to be. The tradition of going out to parties every Friday night is fun, but I'm worried that it's all that I'm going to become. My hobbies are too lame that I don't even need to socialize to fulfill my daily fix of them. Maybe I should start skating? Graffiti-ing? Fuck, even photographing. So I can have something I'm passionate about define me. I've played guitar with my best friend a few times, and that's fun. But shouldn't I be getting off my ass to go do it?

The match that started this fire of uncertainty was looking at my dad and mom's pictures from when they were young.

My beautiful mother was born in Zurich, Switzerland on September 15th 1962. Her mother worked at a book store, while her father was a french professor at a University. (They married at 21 and had her after the death of their first child at 24).
Her childhood, or what I know of it, was a sea of traveling, moving, and shaking things.
At age two her brother was born and her family moved to Nice, France.
At age four she got meningitis and forgot how to speak.
Her parents sent her to a youth communist camp.
By age 8 she had moved back to Nice, France to be homeschooled for two years.
At age 13 she hung out with the clash backstage with her friend.
She also ran away to Paris around this time.
At 16 she became a model, and faced the cover of many European magazines.
She also dated German pop star Udo Lindenberg, which is when he wrote a song for her.

"Wenn du mich so ansiehst
fällt mir nichts mehr ein
wenn du willst, dann nimm mich
es kann für immer sein
ich geb' dir alles, was ich bin
das ist mein Versprechen
jeder Tag ohne dich ein Verbrechen

Ich liebe hohe Spannung
und stehe meistens unter Strom
Und die Hochzeit feiern wir
in Panik-Manier im Petersdom
und meinetwegen 13 Kinder
alle total verrückt
oh, Babe, Babe, nimm mich in deine Arme
oh, Kleine, ich bin absolut verzückt

Nur zu dir fallen mir solche schönen Träume ein
ich will jede Sekunde nur noch mit dir zusammen sein
bis ans Ende der Welt, wenn es das gibt
halt mich fest, mir wird schwindlig
ich bin so sehr verliebt"

By 19 she had mainly quit modeling because they suggested she get a nose job.
Then my beautiful mama moved to NYC where she became a DJ.
She originally moved from Zurich with her boyfriend, who is now her best friend.
A waitress,partygirl,artist all combined into one.
She experiences Sid and Nancy for a bit, in the early 1980's and then meets my dad.
They get married circa 1989 and I arrive in 1992.
They split a few years later.
She becomes straight-edge and travels to Cuba five or six times.
Falls in love with reggae music.

A love story.

My father was born in 1956 in St. Luis Park, Minnesota. His parents lived a good Lutheran life. He has two younger sisters. His mother's name was Val and his father's name was Egil. Egil lived in Norway during WWII while the Germans occupied it. He tells me stories all the time about how his friends used to put saw dust and spit into the Nazi's food. Val dies circa 1990 before I'm born. Val was Danish. Egil is Norwegian.

At age one my dad was a smiley little Scandinavian boy.
Growing up he was a normy middle-american kid. Blue jean, tighty white-ee, baseball playing, beatles fan.
In junior high he got beat by his gym teacher with a paddle that had the playboy bunny symbol etched into it.
He then began to grow his hair, and apparently he also got fat...
Blues music, a revolution, happiness spilling over from the 60's shaped his way into punk music.

Before the Ramones, my dad was in the first Punk band, The Suicide Commandos. (The Strokes stole their logo)
He moved with his band to NY in 1979.
5th st. and 1st ave. His first apartment.
He then went on to play with the Ramones, Richard Hell, Blondie, etc. at CBGBs
When he stopped being punk he turned into Beat Rodeo. A country rock blues feel.

Sick of the buisness when he meets my mom.
They get married for my mom's citizenship.
Have me.
He continues to make music but goes to college and also becomes a teacher.

And now we're here to the present.

I don't have an epic story like this.
I need to find something to motivate me to runaway to london and paris and play with the Ramones or something.

I'm happy though ! I just gotta do more shit.


Sweeet Tiramisu !

My chest hurts from coughing.

I've been sick all week.
And lost my voice yesterday.

It's okay though, because I now feel everyone's pain. All my friends have been getting sick since December, and so it only makes sense that it would catch up to me soon. This information is really irrelevant to anyone's life besides mine.

Woodstock air feels great though!
I can actually breath a little again...
The fire is starting to heat up the house, and I can stop using my dog as a heating pad.

As of now, my life is calm but boring.

Monday, January 4, 2010

11:05 pm and I'm in the mood for love


"I carry your heart(I carry it in my heart)"

I'm done chasing it.
Because I've found it.
I've got it, and I'm not going to let it go,

Small words shared.
Big love growing.