Friday, January 29, 2010


Sweeet Tiramisu !

My chest hurts from coughing.

I've been sick all week.
And lost my voice yesterday.

It's okay though, because I now feel everyone's pain. All my friends have been getting sick since December, and so it only makes sense that it would catch up to me soon. This information is really irrelevant to anyone's life besides mine.

Woodstock air feels great though!
I can actually breath a little again...
The fire is starting to heat up the house, and I can stop using my dog as a heating pad.

As of now, my life is calm but boring.


  1. thats what dogs are! heating pads! u feed em all that food n pick up their poo, its the least they can do!

  2. right?
    especially little terriers like dex and kendy<3
