“I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you because I know no other way.” Pablo Neruda
What is it about 11:00 that makes me think of you?
Including cartoon shark pajamas, and a "Danger! High Voltage" shirt. <-- GAY!
It's quite exhausting, because I think of all the stuff I do, that should be too annoying.
Like crying all the time, getting jealous, being bitchy in the morning, talking too much.
And you still say that you're not annoyed.
Only when I take my pants off the annoying inside out way.
One time you were standing across the room from me, and I felt like fainting because I was so happy that I knew you. That I knew your family. That I even had the chance to feel what family should feel like.
I walked to the door to get fresh air, and I was so hot I turned bright pink.
Kuya Tik laughed at me, and opened the door so I could get fresh air.
On some real shit, I felt lightheaded.
I wanted to run across to you, to whisper in your ear, that I would always be here, or there, or where ever you needed me.
Your eyes would have twinkled, and you probably would have smiled and said "I know, babe."
Nobody can understand it. And nobody ever will.
I could lay here for hours just thinking about your face, and skin, and love.
Star-crossed love, lovers, lovebirds.
What is it? Why does it exist? Does it even exist? Love is like the ripest fruit. From the outside it looks pretty, perfect, tasty, and it's so eye-catching. After you've picked it up, you don't think before you take a bite. It comes naturally. I've said I was in love with people before now, because I thought I was. But was I really? Maybe as you go on in life, your ability to love a person gets stronger and stronger. Not that it wasn't meaningful, not that it's a waste of time to me now, but just that ones capability of loving is easier or less limited. I could never deny that I wanted the fruit. Even the people who tattoo "SINGLE" on their faces, are always ready to mingle. They're ready to make connections with other people, even for a second. The tangy sweet of the fruit, that makes your mouth water cos you can taste the sweet without even physically eating it. It's like the most exotic fruit. Adam and Eve's love didn't start until they bit into the forbidden fruit. I think that's what we're supposed to do. We're supposed to go with our instincts and against what we're told. People talk so much shit about love, but really what is there to say? It sucks finding a person and making a connection with them. It sucks letting your walls down. Syke. It's the best thing ever. Sure there's a lot of shit to deal with, but it never outweighs the good. But if there was no pain, could we really enjoy it as much? Could we really feel someone's soul in our arms, if we didn't have hard-love?
RAMBLE SESSION COMPLETED, cos I'm so super gay.
- Sol
P.s. Meet me
I keep seeing trailers for "Dear John" and I really wanna see it.
I love all those ridiculously romantic love stories.
Every time I watch the trailer, it makes my eyes tear a little bit.
I don't know, I loved the notebook, and it's by the same writer.
*I don't usually like movies about soldiers and stuff, but I'm just going to try it.
The End
This is an extremely annoying post!