Sunday, December 12, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
so i haven't posted in a very long time and there are several reasons why...
One is that I don't have time for anything these days. Another being I haven't really had much to write. I've been thinking a lot but not really wanting to think about what the words are that express my feelings. But today seemed like a good day to start up again. I guess I'm feeling really cool becasue I'm sitting in a coffee shop drinking chai and talking shit on my blog. Too Cool. Well anyways this is a warning that I'm gonna start postin' again so get ready!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Looks like morning in your imaginary eyes
norah jones' "sunrise" is a great song to wake up to when you've just had the worst dream ever. even though my favorite bracelet broke, and i had a nightmare, this song is continuously making me happy throughout the day. and so i guess i'll talk about something that always makes me happy.
when you're used to seeing someone or atleast knowing that they're 45 minutes away with the subway, it's hard to just get up and leave for a month and a half. but at the same time, it's good. you begin to appreciate all the things they are.
smart, creative, funny, kind etc.
you also begin to daydream about all the adventures you'd like to go on with them.
a.jumping off bridges
b. running through the fairytale-like forests
c. tasting random foods
you also begin to appreciate all the things you have to look forward to with them.
you listen to the songs that you want to dance with them to.
you close your eyes and imagine them laying down right next to you.
and soon enough it's only two weeks until you can really have them again.
well that's atleast what i do.
Can this chick be any more beautiful?
when you're used to seeing someone or atleast knowing that they're 45 minutes away with the subway, it's hard to just get up and leave for a month and a half. but at the same time, it's good. you begin to appreciate all the things they are.
smart, creative, funny, kind etc.
you also begin to daydream about all the adventures you'd like to go on with them.
a.jumping off bridges
b. running through the fairytale-like forests
c. tasting random foods
you also begin to appreciate all the things you have to look forward to with them.
you listen to the songs that you want to dance with them to.
you close your eyes and imagine them laying down right next to you.
and soon enough it's only two weeks until you can really have them again.
well that's atleast what i do.
Can this chick be any more beautiful?

Monday, July 26, 2010
c'est la vie

went to the theatre to go see hitchcock's "north by northwest" yesterday. banging.
i've got to say, there has yet to be an actor with more charm than cary grant.
his voice, style, posture prove this true.

Eve Kendall: I tipped the steward five dollars to seat you here if you should come in.
Roger Thornhill: Is that a proposition?
Eve Kendall: I never discuss love on an empty stomach.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
swiss cheese
i'm currently sitting in the guest room of my grandparents house. it's beautiful. simple, quiet, and relaxing. exactly what a vacation should be. i've had luck up to now with the weather as well. not only is it sunny everyday, but at night it cools down. exactly how i like it. i've been spending time with my godmother, my mom's best friend since she was 6. today we drove up into the mountains to go swim in a man-made lake. it was breathtakingly beautiful. i've realized that this year, out of all the other years that i've visited my mother's homeland, i've really been able to appreciate the beauty of it. everyday, in the middle of the city, i can jump in anywhere i want, into the zurich lake, and swim. that's how clean the water is here! if i did that in the east river, i'd come out hiv positive. but this post was not supposed to just be a summary of what i've been doing. i just wanted to mention, or maybe remind myself, to just let go and live. although i'm miles and miles away from my home, i can't stop my mind from acting as if i'm still there. the same things that stress me out, make me mad, make me uncomfortable, still keep creepin' up on me. i just need to let go and grow away from everything i'm used to. take in the fresh swiss air, and relax. be happy and realize what really matters. i hope everyone that reads this is doing that as well. think about what you really want out of life, and go out and get it.
this is really bizarre. but sometimes when i'm using the downstairs bathroom at my boyfriend's house i read his superhero guidebook. i always flip through looking for the coolest super heroine. i read their descriptions and try to find one that really fits my personality and lifestyle. still haven't found one yet.
okay, that's all.
goodnight, sol
this is really bizarre. but sometimes when i'm using the downstairs bathroom at my boyfriend's house i read his superhero guidebook. i always flip through looking for the coolest super heroine. i read their descriptions and try to find one that really fits my personality and lifestyle. still haven't found one yet.
okay, that's all.
goodnight, sol
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
backbeat the word is on the street that the fire in your heart is out
i admire this song for several reasons. just cos it's a great song, but also because it is universal. i feel like you can go to any place anywhere and find some person that was alive in the 90's that will be able to sing all the words to this song.
check out cat's version
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
ode to flaws

dots, spots, freckles, moles etc.
beauty is always in the eye of the beholder right? but since we live in a society where people are expected to look a certain way, for example, even skin, big tits, small waist, tight stomach, round butt, beautiful hair etc. it's interesting to think about what else could make someone extraordinarily beautiful.
all of my friends have beautiful and unique things about their beings. but the most beautiful things they have that society would not portray as most important to the make up of beauty, i find exquisite. their special beauty inspired me to write this blog.
my face has dots all over it. specifically 11 under my left eye. they put smooth skin to shame. they cause uneven levels on my face, and my natural instinct is to dislike them. but i don't. i think they look like star constellations. maybe orion's belt or the big dipper. who knows. all i know is that they're there forever.
so when i was little i was always shy to go to the beach. this small spot on my stomach, that nobody on the earth had, made me uncomfortable. you know how when you're little you don't value individuality, you value having similarities between yourself and the other kids that surround you. not only that, but you're also still realizing and changing your mind on the things you consider to be beautiful. my birthmark is located a little off the center of my stomach. it's a caramel color, about one inch in height / two inches wide, and it's the shape of jamaica. it has a small dot in it from a chicken pox scar. it's the only thing that's unique to me, that's been there since birth, that will be there til i die. some people may consider it ugly or weird. some people may suggest the idea that my tummy would look better without it, but i love it. i love that when i'm tan, there is always a part of me that is a little bit darker. i love that my boyfriend kisses it when he's happy. i love that it will never go away. so remember, even the things that make you different or even odd compared to others might be one of the coolest and most awesome things about you. well that's all for now folks.
love, sol
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
happy > drama

isn't it crazy to think that your life, anyone's life, doesn't really matter. as humans or maybe just as Americans, we tend to neglect the fact that the little things that make us mad are so insignificant to the rest of the universe. if you compare our existence to the shit that's out there, like Jupiter or everything trumps everything we worry about. i don't mean to be negative. i mean to give out a wake up call. in reality it doesn't matter if you missed one homework assignment, got grounded, or didn't get into college. if you put everything into perspective it's okay. I have no excuse for complaining about anything. my life is so good. the stuff that makes me cry with frustration or mope with regret should not get me down. it doesn't fucking matter! instead of wishing things were different. so that's today's message. put your life next to everything else that lives and make it equal. act the way you want people to remember you as. don't get caught up in petty shit, because it will only hold you down. be happy. be free. be yourself.
much love, sol
Thursday, March 11, 2010
I like big butts and I wanna die
I'm going to start this post off lightly.
Today in 6th period math class, my friends starting singing "I Like big Butts and I cannot lie" by Sir MixALot.
I hadn't realized, until that second, how much i loathe that song.
I don't mean to sound pessimistic, but I fucking hate it.
First off, I'm not bashing big asses.
Props to you if you have a fat one.
I just find the song is ridiculous and after the one jillionth time hearing it, i have come to realize how much i hate it.
I'm all for expressing creativity, and if the man likes ass, good for him.
But do you really need to make it a song? an ass anthem that everyone knows the words to?
I think not.
Not only do I dislike the lyrics:
"Mixalot's in trouble
Beggin for a piece of that bubble"
but the way he snarls out synonyms for butts makes me want to cry.
it's fucking creepy.
It makes my skin crawl.
It's so gross.
And have you seen the video?
he looks like a pervert.
He's short, old, and ugly.
Like what are you doing?
Dancing on mountains of coffee colored ass still won't make you more than a one hit wonder.
If I counted the times I have ever heard this song, I'd have enough money to erase it from history.
And with all the money that this man used to create ass mountains for the video, he could be fighting against world hunger or some shit.
Mixalot now appears on VH1 specials like "Greatest 90's hits" or "I love the 1500's" and all he ever seems to talk about is big butts in spandex.
Fuck you, Sol
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Vanessa Paradis, total babe.
if your last name is paradise, you automatically have something cool about you.
so not many people, here in america, in my experience at least, talk about vanessa. she's the girlfriend (possibly wife now) of johnny depp. she's a talented singer, actor, and model from france. she got her first big hit in the 80's for joe le taxi.
the cute gap in her teeth, and her sweet voice, and her ability to make what ever she says feel genuine, makes her a likely candidate for the most beautiful women in the world. i wish i could give more background info on her, but i'm not really in the mood. i found this clip of her talking about johnny the other day, and the stuff she was so saying was so cute, and in many ways the truth. i'm really impressed by the way she makes true love seem so simple.
check it out
what do you think?
love, sol
so not many people, here in america, in my experience at least, talk about vanessa. she's the girlfriend (possibly wife now) of johnny depp. she's a talented singer, actor, and model from france. she got her first big hit in the 80's for joe le taxi.
the cute gap in her teeth, and her sweet voice, and her ability to make what ever she says feel genuine, makes her a likely candidate for the most beautiful women in the world. i wish i could give more background info on her, but i'm not really in the mood. i found this clip of her talking about johnny the other day, and the stuff she was so saying was so cute, and in many ways the truth. i'm really impressed by the way she makes true love seem so simple.
check it out
what do you think?
love, sol
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Let's go to the aquarium!

Because love(is always love)
Because when I see the jet blue night sky I think of you,
Making the seemingly distant stars, proximal.
Because when I walk these aged gray streets aimlessly,
Like a map, you lead me to rapture.
Because your arms bear marks of experience,
That soothe my restless mind with refuge.
Because you look beautiful when you sleep,
Because my insides glow like your eyes in the august sun,
Whenever you’re here.
Because you make me feel feathery,
Because your skin is warm like fiery ambers,
The best blanket.
Because you won’t let me fall into the inferno,
But would go to salvage me.
Because you don’t ever let go,
Of my hand or soul.
Because I loved you yesterday.
Because I loved you today.
Because I love you continually.

So first off, I'd like to publicly apologize for my absence these past weeks. I've kind of been in a road-block mentally. Not to mention the fact that I've had a shit ton of work to do. Today's post is short and sweet, but I plan on writing frequently this upcoming week.
Have you ever met your idol?
The highlight of my week was that
I got to meet my(&evan&bobbie&aleks') favorite skater. Not to mention that he's also swiss.
What a coincidence.
I also punched him, because I got so excited.
My most favorite conversation ever;
I told Aleks that if she spoke in polish I would respond in swiss. Bobbie Jean would also speak her native tongue of spanish.
"Que tu quieres?"
So after talking in these foreign languages for about 10 minutes, we noticed that we had gotten his attention.
he whispered to his friend, "I think they're french..."
His friend turned to us and was like, "Where are you guys from?"
Aleks screamed out, "We're swedish!" and I was like "No we're swiss!"
His friend was like, "I've been to Geneva, it's really clean."
He just smiled.
Later we got him to sign some stuff.
He had trouble though, because we all have random names.
Aleksandra-- "That's a beautiful name"
Bobbie Jean-- "'y" or an "ie"
Solveig-- "You're gonna have to spell that"
It's pretty cool meeting a person that you talk about all the time. It's like surreal.
Well anyways, it's hard to post how excited I was to meet him, but check out this picture!
I look stupid, but he looks happy. So I'm syked!
Have you ever met your idol?
The highlight of my week was that
I got to meet my(&evan&bobbie&aleks') favorite skater. Not to mention that he's also swiss.
What a coincidence.
I also punched him, because I got so excited.
My most favorite conversation ever;
I told Aleks that if she spoke in polish I would respond in swiss. Bobbie Jean would also speak her native tongue of spanish.
"Que tu quieres?"
So after talking in these foreign languages for about 10 minutes, we noticed that we had gotten his attention.
he whispered to his friend, "I think they're french..."
His friend turned to us and was like, "Where are you guys from?"
Aleks screamed out, "We're swedish!" and I was like "No we're swiss!"
His friend was like, "I've been to Geneva, it's really clean."
He just smiled.
Later we got him to sign some stuff.
He had trouble though, because we all have random names.
Aleksandra-- "That's a beautiful name"
Bobbie Jean-- "'y" or an "ie"
Solveig-- "You're gonna have to spell that"
It's pretty cool meeting a person that you talk about all the time. It's like surreal.
Well anyways, it's hard to post how excited I was to meet him, but check out this picture!
I look stupid, but he looks happy. So I'm syked!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010
negative + negative = positive... right?

i'm sick of the same frustrations. i'm sick of myself. kind of. i feel uninspired... but inspired by my uninspiredness. does that make sense? i'm a hypocrite because the same things that annoy me, i do. i wish i could swim in the dead sea, because i feel like the salt would kill the bad parts of me. did you know that the dead sea can sometimes cure arthritis? you also don't have to know how to swim, because the minerals make you float like wood. so cool.
i want to publicly apologize for my negativity. i wanna blame it on the winter. or maybe on the a-a-a-a-a-a-alcohol.
- Sol
Thursday, February 11, 2010

I remember the first time I heard about Diwali.
It was in 9th grade when I was studying the ancient civilizations like Mesopotamia.
For about a month the teacher split us into the groups of four, and we would piece our way through primary sources, trying to understand some aspects of these cultures.
Some how we began discussing religions, and Hinduism came up.
I automatically thought of my local Indian restaurant, Royal.
The restaurant was decorated from head to toe with gold elephants, lights, wall hangings, and soft music.
The food was enriched with several spices and indescribably amazing.
Anyways, after I was done day dreaming about Indian food I tuned back in.
My friend Nadia raised her hand and shared her favorite holiday.
It's called Diwali. It's a festival of lights. Or so I understood.
While the celebration usually involves thousands of candles, the five days are also spent celebrating the "inner light".
Meaning the eternal place beyond the mind and body.
The ultimate search for Atman.
A time to celebrate the birth of the most divine destination.
It also marks the end of Harvest time for many farmers.

I've never been able to see a celebration of this lovely holiday,
but I hope one day I will.
It seems so beautiful.
Sunday, February 7, 2010

When you spontaneously want to cut yourself a new hairstyle, but don't have the balls to do it yourself, ask your boyfriend. That's what I did and it worked out great. I mean he's good at pretty much everything, but this was no exception. I freaked out for a bit, cos I'm mad annoying, but he some how calmed me down, and got me to let him do it. And he did a great job. I'm mad fewking lucky. I don't often have bangs, but when i do, I usually like them. I can't wait to see what peeps think. Alrighty then, goodnight and good luck!
10 RULES TO LIFE (life as Sol)
1. Take risks.
2. Eat lots of burritos.
3. Don't lie.
4. Take deep breaths.
5. Be superstitious.
6. Smoke weed, if you want.
7. Try to see the other side to things, even when you think you're 99% right
8. Talk to strangers.
9. Give homeless people money or food.
10. Run around naked as much as you can.
11. Dance Dance Dance
P.s.s. Dear John, was terrible disappointing : (
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Furry Heart
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Miles from where you are
“I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where.
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you because I know no other way.” Pablo Neruda
What is it about 11:00 that makes me think of you?
Including cartoon shark pajamas, and a "Danger! High Voltage" shirt. <-- GAY!
It's quite exhausting, because I think of all the stuff I do, that should be too annoying.
Like crying all the time, getting jealous, being bitchy in the morning, talking too much.
And you still say that you're not annoyed.
Only when I take my pants off the annoying inside out way.
One time you were standing across the room from me, and I felt like fainting because I was so happy that I knew you. That I knew your family. That I even had the chance to feel what family should feel like.
I walked to the door to get fresh air, and I was so hot I turned bright pink.
Kuya Tik laughed at me, and opened the door so I could get fresh air.
On some real shit, I felt lightheaded.
I wanted to run across to you, to whisper in your ear, that I would always be here, or there, or where ever you needed me.
Your eyes would have twinkled, and you probably would have smiled and said "I know, babe."
Nobody can understand it. And nobody ever will.
I could lay here for hours just thinking about your face, and skin, and love.
Star-crossed love, lovers, lovebirds.
What is it? Why does it exist? Does it even exist? Love is like the ripest fruit. From the outside it looks pretty, perfect, tasty, and it's so eye-catching. After you've picked it up, you don't think before you take a bite. It comes naturally. I've said I was in love with people before now, because I thought I was. But was I really? Maybe as you go on in life, your ability to love a person gets stronger and stronger. Not that it wasn't meaningful, not that it's a waste of time to me now, but just that ones capability of loving is easier or less limited. I could never deny that I wanted the fruit. Even the people who tattoo "SINGLE" on their faces, are always ready to mingle. They're ready to make connections with other people, even for a second. The tangy sweet of the fruit, that makes your mouth water cos you can taste the sweet without even physically eating it. It's like the most exotic fruit. Adam and Eve's love didn't start until they bit into the forbidden fruit. I think that's what we're supposed to do. We're supposed to go with our instincts and against what we're told. People talk so much shit about love, but really what is there to say? It sucks finding a person and making a connection with them. It sucks letting your walls down. Syke. It's the best thing ever. Sure there's a lot of shit to deal with, but it never outweighs the good. But if there was no pain, could we really enjoy it as much? Could we really feel someone's soul in our arms, if we didn't have hard-love?
RAMBLE SESSION COMPLETED, cos I'm so super gay.
- Sol
P.s. Meet me
I keep seeing trailers for "Dear John" and I really wanna see it.
I love all those ridiculously romantic love stories.
Every time I watch the trailer, it makes my eyes tear a little bit.
I don't know, I loved the notebook, and it's by the same writer.
*I don't usually like movies about soldiers and stuff, but I'm just going to try it.
The End
This is an extremely annoying post!
I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride;
so I love you because I know no other way.” Pablo Neruda
What is it about 11:00 that makes me think of you?
Including cartoon shark pajamas, and a "Danger! High Voltage" shirt. <-- GAY!
It's quite exhausting, because I think of all the stuff I do, that should be too annoying.
Like crying all the time, getting jealous, being bitchy in the morning, talking too much.
And you still say that you're not annoyed.
Only when I take my pants off the annoying inside out way.
One time you were standing across the room from me, and I felt like fainting because I was so happy that I knew you. That I knew your family. That I even had the chance to feel what family should feel like.
I walked to the door to get fresh air, and I was so hot I turned bright pink.
Kuya Tik laughed at me, and opened the door so I could get fresh air.
On some real shit, I felt lightheaded.
I wanted to run across to you, to whisper in your ear, that I would always be here, or there, or where ever you needed me.
Your eyes would have twinkled, and you probably would have smiled and said "I know, babe."
Nobody can understand it. And nobody ever will.
I could lay here for hours just thinking about your face, and skin, and love.
Star-crossed love, lovers, lovebirds.
What is it? Why does it exist? Does it even exist? Love is like the ripest fruit. From the outside it looks pretty, perfect, tasty, and it's so eye-catching. After you've picked it up, you don't think before you take a bite. It comes naturally. I've said I was in love with people before now, because I thought I was. But was I really? Maybe as you go on in life, your ability to love a person gets stronger and stronger. Not that it wasn't meaningful, not that it's a waste of time to me now, but just that ones capability of loving is easier or less limited. I could never deny that I wanted the fruit. Even the people who tattoo "SINGLE" on their faces, are always ready to mingle. They're ready to make connections with other people, even for a second. The tangy sweet of the fruit, that makes your mouth water cos you can taste the sweet without even physically eating it. It's like the most exotic fruit. Adam and Eve's love didn't start until they bit into the forbidden fruit. I think that's what we're supposed to do. We're supposed to go with our instincts and against what we're told. People talk so much shit about love, but really what is there to say? It sucks finding a person and making a connection with them. It sucks letting your walls down. Syke. It's the best thing ever. Sure there's a lot of shit to deal with, but it never outweighs the good. But if there was no pain, could we really enjoy it as much? Could we really feel someone's soul in our arms, if we didn't have hard-love?
RAMBLE SESSION COMPLETED, cos I'm so super gay.
- Sol
P.s. Meet me
I keep seeing trailers for "Dear John" and I really wanna see it.
I love all those ridiculously romantic love stories.
Every time I watch the trailer, it makes my eyes tear a little bit.
I don't know, I loved the notebook, and it's by the same writer.
*I don't usually like movies about soldiers and stuff, but I'm just going to try it.
The End
This is an extremely annoying post!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
L is for the way you laugh at me

Quite frankly Valentines Day scares me. I mean it has this huge name that everyone is supposed to live up to. Here, in the states, I find it increasingly overwhelming how much focus and attention is put on V-day. Movies, food, music etc. In Kindergarden, schools are already programming the students like valentines day robots with cut out pink hearts and chocolate kisses. Once February comes around it's like a aphrodite earthquake. I don't mean to be so pessimistic about it. I've got the most lovely Valentino valentine in the world<3>
BYTHEWAYIFYOU'REREADINGTHIS: I've never ever gotten flowers.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Spaghetti Baybee

And then
I began
to think
about love...
Sitting in bed with my dog doesn't sound like the most exciting thing, but today it's just right. Tea, Bon Iver, and homework to do. After a whirlwind Sunday, I can't help but find comfort in doing a little more than nothing.
I'm a little obsessed with Claudia Cardinale in "Once Upon a Time in the West". Her kick-ass attitude and overwhelming beauty has made her my new idol. Kicking cowboy ass, and looking absolutely beautiful, cannot be overlooked. This Spaghetti Western is to me, one of the best. Epically radical, sweetly simple, and generally awesome. Anyone looking to see a good movie should watch it.
I have such a problem saving money that I'm gonna post some of the shit I want on here, to keep me motivated and my pockets closed.

fml. - Sol <3
Saturday, January 30, 2010
TOP 3 Musicals from my Childhood
#1: The Sound of Music (1965)

A classic to most young [normy] kids. I loved this movie from the very first time I saw it. Although I didn't quite understand the premise of the story, (Nazi Austria) I was still fascinated by the characters. Maria's sweet voice, her hidden rebel tendencies, and her love for the Captain proved to be an amazing story for most little girls like me. As a tradition on my father's side, as a family we sit down every time I visit the mid-west, and watch this musical. It never fails to excite me.

The last time I was out there, my cousin Emily and I discovered a new love for the youngest son, Kurt, whose bright smile and over acting makes the movie even better.
#2: Peter Pan (1954)

This musical was one that I would watch ever sunday morning when my dad would sleep-in after bar-tending. I seriously must have watched it about 1000 times. It's a musical version of Peter Pan, and I'm pretty sure it was a recorded live performance. The songs are really unique, and I just loved it.

"I need my shadow!"
#3: 7 Brides for 7 Brothers

This is just made cute and shit!

A classic to most young [normy] kids. I loved this movie from the very first time I saw it. Although I didn't quite understand the premise of the story, (Nazi Austria) I was still fascinated by the characters. Maria's sweet voice, her hidden rebel tendencies, and her love for the Captain proved to be an amazing story for most little girls like me. As a tradition on my father's side, as a family we sit down every time I visit the mid-west, and watch this musical. It never fails to excite me.

The last time I was out there, my cousin Emily and I discovered a new love for the youngest son, Kurt, whose bright smile and over acting makes the movie even better.
#2: Peter Pan (1954)

This musical was one that I would watch ever sunday morning when my dad would sleep-in after bar-tending. I seriously must have watched it about 1000 times. It's a musical version of Peter Pan, and I'm pretty sure it was a recorded live performance. The songs are really unique, and I just loved it.

"I need my shadow!"
#3: 7 Brides for 7 Brothers

This is just made cute and shit!
I'm not sleepy and there is no place I'm going to

"My senses have been stripped, my hands can't feel to grip,
My toes too numb to step, wait only for my boot heels
To be wanderin'.
I'm ready to go anywhere, I'm ready for to fade
Into my own parade, cast your dancing spell my way,
I promise to go under it."
Okay so I was just listening to my itunes on shuffle and this Bob Dylan song came on.
Although I've complained about him a bit in the past, because of my father I do have a sense of respect for him.
His lyrics are undeniably beautiful.
"magic swirlin' ship" gives me chills through my bones and blood.
I can physically see the grains of magic forming a film around a ship.
So beautiful.
The simplicity of just a voice and guitar, is transformed into something timeless and powerful with Dylan.
I don't mean to ramble on, but I really do love this song.

Take me on a trip upon your magic swirlin' ship,
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